This course is an in depth study of neurophysiology focused on cellular mechanisms, integration, and regulation.
Prerequisites: BMED 3100, CHEM 1211K, and MATH 1552 (or MATH 1501)
Credit Hours: 3
Average GPA: 3.53
This course covers the foundational concepts of neurophysiology and the experimental evidence behind those concepts. Topics include neuron physiology, synaptic transmission, cognition, perception, movement, arousal, emotion, homeostasis, development, language, learning, and memory. It is extremely fast paced with one class period covering up to 1-3 chapters of the book. However, the course emphasizes the ‘big picture’ concept, so it is important to not get caught up in the details, especially since a lot of material is covered. Your final grade is either an average of the three semester exams or the final, which is optional.
THE tip: Keep up with the reading material and focus on the big picture. Try to connect the concepts from different sections together as you go.
Recall: electrophysiology from BMED 3100
Spend your time… Reading textbook and notes
Take Home: Obtain a broad overview of everything involved in neurophysiology.